Hi, we're Smarty
Smarty helps businesses worldwide leverage address data intelligence to supercharge operations, slash costs, and skyrocket revenue. Neat!

Do or do not? We prefer do.
Parlez-vous français?
Our growing team is lingually diverse. There isn’t much of the world where we couldn’t go and speak with someone. You’ll find us talking in the following languages:

From global companies processing billions of addresses to mom-and-pop shops validating hundreds of addresses, we value each and every customer.
Customers across finance, insurance, retail, software, healthcare, telecommunications, education, real estate, delivery, government, ecommerce, and many other industries sleep peacefully knowing their address data is squeaky clean.
Smarty gives back
“Everyone needs validation.” - Jonathan Oliver, CEO
Sure, we validate billions of addresses daily, but we also know people need personal validation, too. That's one reason why “Outwardness” is one of our core values.
That's also why we believe in giving back to the community. Our charitable contributions include supporting local universities and participating in "Sub for Santa" through the United Way.

Awards & certifications

We never stop learning, improving, and helping others to do the same.
Contact us
We're here for you–email, call, chat, smoke signals, or carrier pigeon.