city block with highlighted building and data blurb stating 289 units found

US Secondary Address Data

Unlock the precise secondary address information, including apartment address, suite and building numbers, and the number of units at an address for enhanced marketing, risk management, and investment decisions.

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Get a total count of units at a primary address for better investment decisions.

Better direct marketing

Access all complete secondary addresses for enhanced direct marketing.

Optimize delivery routes

Enhance operations by optimizing service delivery with detailed address unit data.
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May the accuracy be with you!

Verified US secondary addresses
Get speeds up to 10,000 times faster
Addresses processed all in a day's work
How it works

US Secondary Address Data uncovers apartment unit addresses and secondary address data in four steps.

Address: 10 Heritage Halls Provo, UT 84602
Step 1


Identifies and verifies the data from the address fields.

Non Standardized address example: 10 heritage provo, UT 84602
Step 2


Each physical address result includes the geocode, postal codes, correct abbreviations, spelling, formats, and casing.

SmartyKey example: 1183300097
Step 3


Finds the assigned SmartyKey–a persistent unique identifier (PUID).

Address with list of secondary addresses underneath
Step 4


Returns a count of secondary addresses or the verified secondary address unit designators.

How you win with US Secondary Address Data

Spider-Man has no problem swinging from apartments, and we have no problem pinpointing them. Find apartment unit addresses, suites, and secondary addresses in a snap!

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Greater ROI

Understand the geographic distribution of your customers to provide better service, discover new markets, and optimize sales.
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Improve risk analysis

Discover the exact number of secondary addresses at a building to better understand the property and empower smarter investment decisions.
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Better direct marketing

Get more efficient with your direct marketing by identifying and using mailing addresses complete with secondary unit designators.
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To boldly go and expand

Identify all apartment addresses and business suites in an area to sweeten your organization's growth plans.
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Customer experience

Delight customers by delivering your products and deploying service technicians to the correct suite or apartment address the first time.
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Enhanced operations

Access comprehensive secondary address unit details to ensure compliance with governmental regulation and community programs.

Smarty: easy, accurate, transparent

Legendary real, human support

When you contact our support team, you'll talk to an actual person. Smarty's support team is full of experts—no novices, no phone trees, and no time-wasting scripts. Try us, and we think you'll agree our unlimited, no-cost support is better than other companies' paid support. Smarty support: powered by real intelligence.

Simple and clear terms

You won't find any hidden Easter eggs in our terms. We believe hiding Easter eggs should be between you and your Easter bunny.

Clear and simple documentation

Unlike the USS Enterprise, we don't want your development team to feel like they're going "Where no one has gone before." Your team will be thrilled with the precision and clarity of our SDKs and API documentation. They'll even have time to debate who the best Star Trek Captain was. Answer: "Kirk over Picard, but Next Generation over the Original Series."

Eliminate billing surprises

Save surprises for special occasions and mystery novels, not for your address intelligence provider. At our Smarty, we believe in pricing that's as predictable as a well-rehearsed play. You'll understand what you're paying for and how much it’ll cost—no surprises, no hidden agendas, just upfront communication.
Document with 4 surrounding icons. The icons are chat headphones, a document, an open book, and money.

What our customers are saying

Firetruck with emergency lights on, behind two orange traffic cones. Three police SUVs behind the firetruck, all with lights on. Late at night on a highway.
Smarty has provided VOLO with fast & accurate geocoding services for over 10 years. The Smarty API provides real-time results as users enter location addresses.
Patrick KellyChief Financial Officer, VOLO
volo logo

US Secondary Address Data pricing

Selecting the right property data plan for your business is easy. Want to give it a test drive? Hit the accelerator on a free trial. Ready for something with more horsepower? Get all 350+ property attributes or choose the 5–50 you need most.

Free trial

30 days
Check mark150 secondary addresses

Custom plan

infinity symbol
Check markComplete count or list of addresses at a property


What is a lookup for US Secondary Address Data?

US Secondary Address Data doesn't charge based off of lookups like other Smarty products. Instead, you are charged per result that is delivered. There are two ways Smarty delivers results with US Secondary Address Data. The first is a single numerical result that tells you how many units are in the building. In this case you'd use just one look up to get the number of units in a building. The second way results are delivered is by giving you a list of every address in the building complete with its verified secondary indicators. This means that if a building has 100 units, you'll use 100 results.

What is the meaning of primary address?

The primary address, or Address Line 1 as it appears on many forms, is the street address of the building. It most often contains street names, predirectionals, and street abbreviations. However, some buildings have additional addresses that give more specific details about the location, including apartment units or business suites.

What is the meaning of unit address?

Properties with multiple units, suites, and apartment addresses will have specific methods for identifying apartment building numbers, business suites, and other unit addresses. Secondary Address designators are like unique tags that make locating particular areas in a building easy. For example, when ordering online or receiving mail, you may fill out a field called Address Line 2. These secondary unit designators ensure packages and letters are delivered accurately to your door. These addresses are crucial in navigating and interacting with physical spaces, making life more organized and convenient for everyone involved.

How do you write an address with a suite?

You must include secondary address information if sending mail or a package to an address with a suite number. Think of it as sending mail to apartment addresses; you'll need to include indicators such as floor, unit, department numbers, room, and suite. Let's walk through an example. Jane lives at 575 E University Pkwy Ste M208, Orem, UT 84097

Here, it’s broken down into address components.

Name: Jane James
Address Line 1: 575 E University Pkwy
Address Line (The Suite)2: Ste M208
City: Orem
State: UT
ZIP Code: 84097

By breaking the address down like this, you can ensure your mail reaches Jane on time.

What is the difference between a primary address and a secondary address?

A primary address is the general address of an entire building or property. Each primary address will have street names, predirections, and other information to help you navigate to the front of a building. The secondary addressing comes into play once you've identified the building. For example, if you're visiting a friend who lives in a high-rise apartment building, the unit or secondary address she lives in may be D394.

How do you find apartment addresses?

Finding one apartment address is easy, especially if someone gives you the location. However, what if you need apartment list data, meaning every apartment unit address at a specific address? Or what if there are multiple apartment building numbers at an address? This is where Smarty's US Secondary Address data comes into play. With 220M+ verified addresses accessible through its APIs, including apartment list data, it's easy to discover all the apartment unit addresses at a property.

What does primary situs address mean?

Primary situs addresses are essential for property identification, taxation, and legal documentation. They represent the central physical locations of properties and are recorded in deeds, leases, and tax records. Understanding primary situs addresses is crucial for property owners, investors, and real estate transactions, as they serve as the foundation for various legal and administrative processes related to the properties.

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