Burkina Faso address format & examples
How to write a Burkinabé address
While Burkina Faso has over 60 indigenous languages spoken within its borders, the mailing address format is universal for the entire country. If you're curious about the Burkina Faso mailing address format so that you can mail something to someone going to one of the oldest universities in West Africa, we've got address examples for you to follow. Or maybe you're curious about the Burkinabé address format because you want to request some gold from their rich gold mines.
Either way, finding the international Burkina Faso address format is simple with Smarty. On this page, you'll find examples of Burkina Faso address format to compare against, and you can use Smarty tools to check any address in the world. You can learn how to address a letter to Burkina Faso or any other country worldwide. OK, I promised you the Burkina Faso mailing address format, so here you go.
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name.
- Building number and street name - Building number and street go together without any punctuation between them.
- City - The city has its own line.
- Country - Written as BFA.

Burkina Faso address examples
7 Avenue De La Bendrologie
Avenue De L'independance
BP 545
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Boucle du Mouhoun (01)
Cascades (02)
Centre (03)
Centre-Est (04)
Centre-Nord (05)
Centre-Ouest (06)
Centre-Sud (07)
Est (08)
Hauts-Bassins (09)
Nord (10)
Plateau-Central (11)
Sahel (12)
Sud-Ouest (13)
Country information
There's more address information available for Burkina Faso than just the Burkinabé mailing address format! Smarty provides everything from ISO codes and latitude/longitude to major city information and address component data. You've got the right Burkinabé address format, but there's more to learn!
Population information
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