Sao Tome and Principe address formats & examples
How to write a São Toméan address
Beaches, birds, historic colonial buildings, amazing snorkeling—why have I never heard of Sao Tome and Principe? Probably because of its extremely stable and democratic countries. If you stay out of the news, maybe that's a good thing? But you, my fine reader, you know enough about Sao Tome and Principe that you're looking to learn the São Toméan address format. You've come to the mail format experts and are in good hands.
The Sao Tome and Principe address format is determined by the national postal service. They set the São Toméan address format during the Portuguese colonial period, so it makes sense that the Sao Tome and Principe address format is similar to the mailing address format of Portugal. Please use the following Sao Tome and Principe address examples to guide your package or letter to its destination.
- Addressee line - The recipient’s full name.
- Street name and building number - First, the street name should be listed, followed immediately by the building number.
- City - The Sao Tome and Principe address format doesn’t require a postal code, so only list the city.
- Country - Written as STP.

Sao Tome and Principe address examples
Avenida De Julho 4
São Tomé
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There's more address information available for Sao Tome and Principe than just the São Toméan mailing address format! Smarty can provide everything from ISO codes and geocodes to major city information and component data. You've got the right Sao Tome and Principe address format, but there's more to learn!
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