Holly Joyce
Holly Joyce
Administrative Specialist

Holly is a Swiss army knife. She supports the HR, Legal, Accounting, and Executive teams, utilizing her more than 20 years of administrative experience. She has worked in an office setting, a virtual setting, and has even helped get a book ready for publishing as an author's assistant. Her attention to detail, organizational skills, and willingness to help anywhere she is needed keep things running smoothly. We're extremely glad to have her on the team.


All posts by Holly Joyce - Administrative Specialist

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By Holly Joyce on October 21, 2024
We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it a zillion more times—nobody puts the “care” in Caroline as Ms. Roweton does! Often referred to as the chill vibes chick around the office, Caroline has a calming presence (unless she’s pulling some seriously rad pranks like stealing Randy Buttons in the dark of night and holding him hostage for days). As an Associate Product Manager, Caroline is responsible for researching and defining Smarty’s international products. She also performs competitive research, communicates with customers, gathers and prioritizes feature requests from them, supports sales through custom deals and pricing, and is pretty much just a superhero.
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By Holly Joyce on August 5, 2024
In an age where we treat digital devices like freshly-grown appendages, our obsession with Generative AI is only natural. With minimal prompting, GenAI can write songs, novels, poetry, and more. Some GenAI creations turn out pretty okay, and some turn out less okay (look at this bear/fish hybrid we made), but that’s part of the fun. As GenAI becomes more prominent in our personal and work lives, so too do concerns about its effects. Artists, writers, marketers, and developers alike are becoming nervous that robots will replace them in their careers.
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By Holly Joyce on July 8, 2024
Violetta Brin (Violet) is the purple we all needed in our crayon box. Her strong presence (all puns intended since she’s ripped) is an excellent asset in our marketing sphere. Her laugh is genuine, and her kindness is unparalleled. Violet makes everyone else laugh and smile too. An experienced designer, Violet adds the right touch to make our site and its components stand out meaningfully. BackgroundAs a child, Violet wanted to be a spy or a secret agent for the FBI. The appeal of being behind the scenes and pulling off cool things drew her in.
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By Holly Joyce on June 14, 2024
It’s that time of year when we toss aside our fears and woes and throw our hands up in celebration; World Juggling Day is here. Whether you toss hacky sacs, bowling pins, flaming torches, or your cookies, juggling has been a long-standing form of fun, fitness, and flair. Let’s talk about this quirky holiday. History of jugglingThe history of juggling is rich and dates back almost 4,000 years. In ancient Egyptian times, tombs shared depictions of juggling. Greeks and Romans also tossed their hats into the juggling arena, yet juggling began to be scorned and overlooked by many in the Middle Ages due to claims that jugglers dealt with immorality and witchcraft.