Autocomplete address parsing aids in last mile delivery

The client: Deduce Technologies

The challenge: Last mile delivery requires best street addresses
Everyone wants their package delivered right to their doorstep, whether it's a piping hot pizza or an essential medication. However, depending on the source, street address data isn't always clear. Perhaps the final delivery location is in a gated community, or a garden level apartment, or one of five different mail rooms at a large university.
Delivery drivers often find themselves turned around, wondering "Which building is this unit in? How exactly do I find Unit 2B in Building F5?"

The solution: US Address Autocomplete by Smarty
For the past two years, Deduce Technologies has been using the US Address Autocomplete API from Smarty. They integrate the data into their product, Environ Map Layer™, which enables last mile delivery providers to efficiently find the right delivery locations for postal and non-postal addresses on the first try.
The map layer can sit on top of whatever other navigation service a delivery provider is using, adding additional, accurate data to help them efficiently navigate to that garden level apartment or Building F5. This product is used by several of the big delivery companies in the United States.
Why did Deduce Technologies choose Smarty? Smarty's US Address Autocomplete was chosen for 3 reasons. 1. The API validates the address and standardizes street names, street suffixes, city names, and postal codes. 2. The tool includes second-level address data such as apartments, units, floors, suites, PO boxes, APOs, and FPOs, as an essential piece of the puzzle. 3. Autocomplete offers flexible address entry and outputs the address elements logically.
"We really like the way the address parser structures the data when you use the Smarty tool," said Brajesh Shrivastava, Director & Chief Dreamer at Deduce Technologies. "When you use the USPS address verification tool, each element of the input address has to be parsed and pasted into separate boxes, but with Smarty you can just paste the address string it in as one line. In addition, Smarty's address parser outputs the address components in proper ascending order. The USPS address structure is not as well organized, so we really appreciate working with Smarty."

The results: Accurate address parsing with secondary addresses
As Deduce Technologies has grown, they've continued to increase their address lookup maximum with Smarty, recently signing up for the unlimited plan. "The ease of usage is better than other tools," said Shrivastava. "And with the completeness of the address data, we're confident that if an input address doesn't really exist, the Smarty tool will tell us."
From their initial code implementation of the API to today, Deduce Technologies has found the documentation easy to follow with any programming language.
"The API calls work exactly as the documentation library stated. We haven't had to make any code changes since implementation and the uptime is really good. There's hardly any downtime."
And that means… You can rest easy knowing that Deduce Technologies and Smarty are helping get your packages right to your door!