Belgium address format & examples
How to write a Belgian address
We can see you panicking from a mile away because you don’t know Belgiums’s address format. Relax because you stumbled upon the ultimate guide for Belgium address formats. PHEW! Take a minute to eat a Belgium waffle, then grab some chocolate and settle in. Enjoy browsing Belgium address examples here and try out our suite of address validation tools for addresses in Belgium below. Just enter an address, and we'll format, standardize, and validate the address faster than you can say thank you in any of the many languages spoken there.
Sometimes, people get tripped up on how to write Belgium addresses, but no fear! We’ve got you. Explore Belgium’s address format in order, as explained below. The Belgium address format should be written as follows:
- Addressee line - The recipient's full name, including any titles.
- Street name and house or building number - The street name should be written, and then the house or building number should follow without any punctuation.
- Postal code and locality - The postal code and locality go on this line without any separating punctuation marks and in that order.
- Country - Write "BEL" in all caps on the last line.

Belgium address examples
Rijvisschepark 110
9052 Gent, BRU
Alfred Nobellaan 22
App 150Z
2660 Antwerpen, AN
Rue De Laeken 1
Postbus 24
1000 Bruxelles, BRU
Smarty address validation tools
Postal information
Brussels Capital Region (Brussels-Capitale / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest) - BRU
Flanders (Vlaanderen) - VL
Wallonia (Wallonie) - WAL
Antwerp (Antwerpen) - AN
East Flanders (Oost-Vlaanderen) - OV
Flemish Brabant (Vlaams-Brabant) - VB
Limburg (Limburg) - LI
West Flanders (West-Vlaanderen) - WV
Hainaut (Hainaut) - HT
Liège (Liège) - LG
Luxembourg (Luxembourg) - LX
Namur (Namur) - NM
Walloon Brabant (Brabant wallon) - BW
Country information
We could get even more technical and go a little deeper into Belgian address examples, but should we? Oh you DO want that? Phew, good. We’re happy to oblige. Here’s a list of more information about Belgium’s address format.
Population information
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