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Czech Republic address format & examples

How to write a Czech address

What do the movies Mission: Impossible, Oliver Twist, and Bangkok Dangerous have in common? They were all filmed in the Czech Republic! If you don't care about movie trivia, you'll at least be wondering how to address a letter to the Czech Republic. Get ready to say "dobrÿ den" to the proper address format as we take a look at some Czech address examples.

If you're looking for tools, Smarty offers a suite of address validation tools for addresses in the Czech Republic and other countries. Simply enter an address to format, standardize, and validate it faster than you can pick your favorite Czech song. The address formatting in the Czech Republic can be written out as follows:

  1. Addressee line - The recipient's full name, using appropriate titles for the region.
  2. Street and building number - List the street and then the building number without any punctuation separating them.
  3. Postal code and city - The postal code then the city or town without any punctuation separating them.
  4. Country - This is often shortened to CZE.
Czech Republic address example

Czech Republic address examples

Typical address example

Strmá 34

755 01 Vsetín ZL


Address example with units


Kopretinová 13

106 00 Praha PR


Postal box example

p.s. 87



Smarty address validation tools

Smarty® has a suite of address validation tools that can format, standardize, and validate Czech Republic addresses, plus addresses in 240+ other countries and territories worldwide. Validate your Czech address with our tools.
Use the Single Address Verification Tool to verify and format 1 address at a time, the Bulk Address Validation Tool to verify and format a list addresses simultaneously, or use the International Street Address API to integrate address validation and formatting programmatically into your software systems and workflows.

Postal information

Czech Republic's national postal system, "Česká pošta," was established in 1993. As of recent data, Česká pošta services approximately 17,262 addresses, reflecting its extensive reach throughout Czech Republic. The organization manages a substantial network, indicative of its role as a major postal service provider in the region.
Administrative area types and count
13 regions
Administration area names and abbreviations

Hlavní město Praha (Prague) - PR

Středočeský kraj (Central Bohemia) - ST

Jihočeský kraj (South Bohemia) - JC

Plzeňský kraj (Plzeň) - PL

Karlovarský kraj (Karlovy Vary) - KV

Ústecký kraj (Ústí nad Labem) - UL

Liberecký kraj (Liberec) - LI

Královéhradecký kraj (Hradec Králové) - HK

Pardubický kraj (Pardubice) - PA

Olomoucký kraj (Olomouc) - OL

Moravskoslezský kraj (Ostrava) - MO

Zlínský kraj (Zlín) - ZL

Jihomoravský kraj (Brno) - JM

Term to describe postal codes
psč (poštovní směrovací číslo)
Postal code in language
Postal code format
999 99
Postal service provider and website

Country information

Now that you're the expert on the Czech Republic's address format, maybe you’re ready to explore Prague. No? Do you need MORE information on Czech address formatting? OK. Here you go.

Country/territory name
Czech Republic
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
ISO 3166-1 numeric country code
Česká republika
Total land area
78,865 KM²
Other major cities
Brno, Ostrava, Plzen

Population information

Total population
10,873,689 (2023)
Urban / rural distribution
74% / 26%
Urban population
Rural population
Official language
All languages spoken
Czech, English, German, Slovak, Russian
Most commonly used postal language
CC-BY 4.0 from
Now that you've seen our Czech address examples and have become a wizard at Czech Republic address formats, why not expand your expertise even further? Explore our detailed guides for related countries and territories to see how their address formats and examples vary.
Visit the global address formats page or Europe address formats page for more information on all the other countries and territories we cover. You can also read or read our article about international address verification to learn more.
*Data Updated As of January 01, 2024

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