
Data cleansing vs. data enrichment: Why both matter

Dirty data is incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, and irrelevant. That's why ensuring your organization's data is clean and accurate is essential. Read now!
Andrew Townsend
Andrew Townsend
March 28, 2023

Dirty data, which is incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, or irrelevant data can lead to misinformed decisions and missed opportunities. That's why ensuring your organization's data is clean and accurate is essential.

Data cleansing is finding and removing corrupt or inaccurate records from a set of data. It allows you to identify which elements in your database are bad data and ensures your data is accurate and trustworthy. After cleansing, it is best practice for organizations to enrich or append their data to ensure it’s complete, up-to-date, and reliable.

The following is an excerpt from a chapter of our newest ebook, “Data Governance: An Executive’s Survival Guide”. You can download the full guide here.

Helpful tools

Smarty™'s address validation tools are a powerful solution for organizations looking to improve the quality of their address data. These tools can be used to clean, standardize, deduplicate, and enrich address data in existing databases, helping organizations maintain accurate and up-to-date address information.

Data Governance: An Executive's Survival Guide ebook

Additionally, Smarty's address autocomplete will ensure that new data entering an oganization's database is is accurate and consistent, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall quality of the data.

How it works

One of the critical benefits of Smarty's address data tools is address standardization, deduplication, and validation. With multiple address data sources entering your customer database, duplicates can often arise. Smarty's tools help identify duplicates, while standardizing addresses to match the format of the local postal authority. This ensures the addresses are accurate, up-to-date, and can be used to drive informed decision-making.

Another significant benefit of Smarty's address data tools is address enrichment. Address data enrichment merges known data with third-party data services to improve business intelligence. Smarty's tools enrich address data with 55 associated metadata points, providing valuable insights that can be used to drive informed decisions and improve customer satisfaction.

So you see, data cleansing and enrichment are essential components of effective data governance. Dirty data can lead to misinformed decisions and missed opportunities and ultimately harm an organization's bottom line.

At the end of the day, high-quality data is worth the work it takes to gain valuable insights, drive innovation, and fuel growth. Try Smarty’s data cleansing tools today!

Download the free ebook today Data Governance: An Executive's Survival Guide ebook

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