
The importance of fun: How Smarty™ cultivates a thriving workplace culture

Trent having fun at Smarty
Dan Lambourne
Dan Lambourne
November 20, 2023

We believe wholeheartedly that all work and no play is a dull way to spend our days. While many companies laser focus on productivity and output, we recognize that regularly infusing enjoyment and community into the workplace is essential for an engaged, thriving team. 

Smarty's culture strikes a balance between innovation and fun, demonstrating that being serious about work doesn’t preclude being serious about play.

This blog provides an insider's perspective into how our organization cultivates an energizing, recreational spirit across the company and why fun is a vital ingredient in our secret recipe for success. 

Whether it's creative dress-up days, monthly luncheons, or recreational activities, we put as much thought into delighting our colleagues as we do into delighting our customers.

Read on for a glimpse into our work life and our profound conviction that happiness is the ultimate productivity booster.

Costume parties and themed dress-up days encourage creativity and inclusion


Our culture emphasizes creative expression, humor, and a strong sense of togetherness. Costume parties, themed dress-up days, and friendly pranks are common occurrences that lighten the mood and elicit smiles across our office.

For instance, our resident Photoshop wizard, Brady, often alters colleagues' photos in whimsical ways, revealing the edited images during meetings to everyone's amusement.


Jeffrey's surprise ball pits transform drab spaces into playgrounds and provide another way we mix leisure with work.

These activities celebrate our inclusive, quirky culture.


Quarterly team lunches strengthen bonds outside the office

Food has a wonderful way of bringing people together.

Our quarterly company lunches at local eateries nourish camaraderie along with appetites. The cuisines vary - Mexican, Mediterranean, classic American - but the goal remains the same: strengthening bonds away from our regular workspace. The relaxed conversations and laughter that ensue are a welcome break from the daily grind.

There are side effects to this, of course. The "Smarty 15" refers to the average weight gain of the unaccustomed new employees. But those pounds are just the outward expression of our souls being filled with comradery.

Memorable recreational activities foster community all year round

We also prioritize fun throughout the year through various engaging activities.


Historic highlights include thrilling theme park adventures to magical places like Disneyland or adrenaline-packed trips to the local roller coaster park. We've been to the local arcade as well, having gaming sessions that spark friendly competition. A Costco shopping spree with gift cards allowed our team to indulge their inner shopper.

Add to that movie premieres to kick back and escape, and you'll see why our childlike wonder is rekindled. 

Even our meetings turn into things to enjoy. Our lively Kick-Off Extravaganza at the start of the year and creative Year-End Review and dessert-making contest bookend the year, with the former setting the tone with grandeur and celebration and the latter revealing our colleagues' baking talents.

The periodic Retreats offer a chance to relax and bond in a more low-key setting. We're also committed to giving back through our annual Sub for Santa community initiative.


The Smarty culture: Serious about having fun

At Smarty, we’re serious about having fun. Our diverse and unique events build camaraderie, enhance morale, and provide refreshing breaks from routine. 

By seamlessly integrating enjoyment into work life, we boost satisfaction while retaining a dynamic, enthusiastic spirit. Our culture shows that valuing leisure and togetherness is key to a thriving, unified team.

If this glimpse into our fun culture appeals to you, check out our company page to learn more about Smarty. For those as passionate about joyful workplaces as we’re, take a look at our current openings!

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