When a paid plan expires
Our goal is to keep the Smarty address validation service available to you at all times. In order to accomplish this, we always notify you via email when you have 10% of your address lookups remaining on your plan. This is to let you know your account will renew automatically once the current plan is used up. If you have a valid payment method on file such as a credit card, there will be no interruption in service and the next plan will kick in automatically.

(Free plans must be renewed manually each month from the account subscriptions page. If you would like a subscription that renews automatically, simply sign up for any of our paid plans.)

If it's not updated, the account will run out.

Once your plan expires, you will receive a "402—Payment Required" error and the address verification will not be performed.

This can be cleared up easily with a call to us, or by updating your credit card info within your account on our website and selecting the desired plan. That will make it look like this again:
Aren't familiar with our subscription system? Please read our article on how subscriptions work.