Our fast processing speeds

Are you looking to use an API to verify addresses and convert them to latitude and longitude coordinates?
Maybe you also need to standardize addresses in order to de-duplicate records across millions of addresses in your database too. That's right, we're talking about validating, standardizing, and bulk-processing geocodes with a geocoding API.
There are several options out there, so let us tell you how speed sets Smarty apart from the rest.
Smarty is fast. Now, we're not just talking about fast like Usain Bolt. We're not even talking about fast like a race car, or a bullet train. We're talking fast, like an interstellar spacecraft.
Smarty can process over 30,000 address records per second. You read that correctly. That comes out to over 1.5 million a minute. That's fast.
How do we do it?
The secret is creating a scalable system that can't be crippled by extremely large loads. Where most systems begin to grind to a drip when put under the pressure of millions and millions of address lookups sent to their geocoding API, Smarty continues to process at standard high speeds. We spin up new servers to match the usage needs, always staying well ahead of demand.
Can Smarty go faster than that? You betcha!
In the rare case that someone needs more than 10 million geocodes processed in less than five and a half minutes, our enterprise sales team can connect them with a plan that will provide such ludicrous speeds.
Speed may be good, but going that fast without accuracy can be really dangerous. Smarty also has the top address validation system that can handle even seriously distorted addresses. Even at a million and a half a minute, you can expect to have the most accurate address data (even down to rooftop-level geocoding information) with every lookup.
Curious about secondary address points like unit, apartment, or suite? We're good at those, too. You can try your hardest 1,000 addresses in our system and put us to the test. We're confident that you'll be impressed with the speed and accuracy of each address.
In conclusion, Smarty is faster than any other geocoding API tool out there, is rooftop-accurate, and can handle tough addresses.