
Legal insights for using Smarty™ services

Legal insights
Gianmarco Rosborough
Gianmarco Rosborough
June 24, 2024

In our recent webinar, Gianmarco Rosborough, Smarty's legal counsel, provided valuable insights on smart practices and legal considerations for using address data. 

Smarty offers the most accurate and easy-to-implement address intelligence suite, processing billions of addresses daily with a reliable API. This tool helps businesses clean data, lower shipping costs, and enhance user experiences with exceptional support. If your organization works with addresses, it's important for you to be aware of the legal ramifications of storing bad address data.

Changes in the state-specific privacy laws

More states are enacting their own privacy laws, such as Texas, Florida, and Oregon, with 18 more states expected to follow.

Each state's laws may vary in definitions and requirements, so businesses must stay updated and comply accordingly.

Examples discussed included the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and its amendments, as well as new laws in Texas that are less stringent but still impactful.

US data privacy laws

Gianmarco discussed the increasing complexity of state-specific privacy laws, with legislators enacting new regulations across various states. For instance, states like Texas, Florida, and Oregon are introducing new privacy laws, while others like California continue to update existing regulations. Each state's approach may differ in terms of definitions, scope, and requirements, making it imperative for organizations to stay informed and compliant with the laws in each state where they operate. Understanding these differences is crucial for avoiding legal pitfalls and ensuring the protection of consumer data.

Legal insights and best practices

Gianmarco offered a slew of great ideas for people who deal with address data. Here are some of the hottest items:

Map your data: Businesses should start by creating a comprehensive map of all the data they collect and store. This includes understanding what data is collected, where it is stored, how it is used, and who has access to it. Regularly updating privacy policies to reflect current data practices is also crucial. This proactive approach helps in identifying potential risks and ensuring that data management practices are in line with legal requirements and industry best practices.

Minimize data retention: It's difficult to stress the importance of data minimization enough. Businesses should only retain data that’s necessary for their operations and should establish clear policies for data retention and deletion. By minimizing the amount of data stored, businesses can reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure compliance with data privacy laws that often mandate the deletion of data once it’s no longer needed for its intended purpose.

Incident response: Having a robust incident response plan is vital for quickly addressing data breaches and minimizing their impact. Gianmarco advised businesses to collaborate with their IT and data security teams to develop comprehensive incident response plans. Regular testing of these plans ensures that all team members are prepared to act swiftly and effectively in the event of a data breach, thereby protecting sensitive information and maintaining customer trust.

Cybersecurity: Investing in cybersecurity measures is crucial for protecting company data from cyber threats. This includes implementing advanced security technologies, conducting regular security audits, and training employees on security best practices. Additionally, obtaining cybersecurity insurance can provide a financial safety net in the event of a data breach, covering costs related to data recovery, legal fees, and potential fines.

Legal consultation: Given the rapidly evolving landscape of data privacy laws, it is essential for businesses to regularly consult with legal professionals who specialize in data privacy. These experts can provide up-to-date advice on new regulations, help businesses interpret complex legal texts, and ensure that their data practices remain compliant. Regular legal consultations can also help businesses stay ahead of potential legal challenges and adapt to changes in the regulatory environment.

2024 top strategies


You can leverage Smarty’s address verification services to enhance data accuracy and security. We also encourage you to ensure your company has ongoing education and legal consultation to stay ahead of evolving data privacy laws.

You can view the full recording here:

*This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Readers should retain their own legal counsel as company and individual circumstances and jurisdictions are unique and laws change.

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