
Empowering the next generation: The hour of code initiative

Kids at a table learning to code
Max Pothier
Max Pothier
December 6, 2023

In an era dominated by technology, grasping the language of computers – coding – is increasingly essential. The Hour of Code, a global initiative, aligns with this need by making coding more approachable and broadening participation in computer science. This effort parallels Smarty's dedication to technological innovation, striving to simplify and demystify technology for widespread understanding and engagement.

The movement

The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to simplify code and show that anybody can learn the basics. While geared towards K-12 students, anyone can participate. Its birth traces to Code.org, a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools. Since its inception, the Hour of Code has grown exponentially, attracting students from around the globe and gaining support from global leaders, educators, and organizations.

Coding: A universal language

In the digital era, coding has evolved beyond just technical skills to become a crucial tool for innovation, creative problem-solving, and fun. It's this very philosophy that drives the approach at Smarty™. Our developers harness coding not just for its technical applications but as a means to creatively address and solve practical challenges in the world of address data intelligence. This aligns seamlessly with the Hour of Code's mission, which introduces students to computer science, opening up a realm where coding skills lead to diverse and impactful career paths.

Hour of code 2023: A weeklong hour

The 2023 Hour of Code, scheduled for December 4-10, is a landmark event. It invites students, teachers, and parents to participate in coding activities by organizing local and global events. This year's theme is "Creativity with AI," and it's bound to be as exciting and innovative as the previous years.

Getting involved: More than just an hour

While the Hour of Code is celebrated globally during a designated week, its resources are available year-round. Participants can access a variety of tutorials and activities on the Hour of Code website, catering to all ages and skill levels. Schools, educators, and parents can use these resources to introduce students to the basics of coding.

The impact of an hour

The Hour of Code is more than just learning code; it's a chance to break down stereotypes in computer science and show that anyone can innovate in technology. This idea resonates with developers at Smarty, where many discovered their passion for technology in similar ways. As we approach the Hour of Code 2023, it's a reminder that coding can be a rewarding skill for anyone. Like Smarty's developers, participants can experience the practical and fulfilling aspects of coding, seeing firsthand its impact in everyday problem-solving and professional growth.

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