
Setting up US Address Autocomplete API to autofill your forms

Get clean address data from the very beginning by using this popular API to fill in address information.
Wes Arnold
Wes Arnold
March 11, 2022

Many businesses now collect data online. One could argue that it is nearly impossible to succeed in modern business without some sort of online portal in which there is an exchange of information between the provider and the customer.

But how do you ensure that the information being input by the customer (or potential customer) is accurate?

While there is no way to ensure that Bobby Duncan doesn’t put “Sammy Sosa” in the name line on a form, there IS a way to ensure that he’s putting in a valid mailing address for you to mail his package to.

There are more benefits than just ensuring the address data is complete and accurate. The more keystrokes a user needs to make to complete a form, the less likely they are to complete it, driving down conversion rates. Most companies these days try to ask for less than four items per form because they know that if they ask for name, email, and company they’ll have less form fills.

So why not remove some of the manual labor from your users and have their address—likely the longest thing they’ll type into your form—complete itself after as few as four keystrokes? That’s possible, using the Smarty US Address Autocomplete API.

In a recent webinar, our own Dave Hale, Front-End Engineer for Smarty and coding lover, showed how you can use the Smarty US Address Autocomplete API to autofill the address line in your forms.

There are several benefits to utilizing an autocomplete API for the address line in your forms:

  • Keep your database clean and accurate from the beginning
  • Ensure you are only collecting mailable addresses
  • Prevent accidental fat-fingered addresses
  • Prevent intentionally fake addresses and fraud
  • Remove the need to do regular database cleansing
  • Increase form conversion rates

In the webinar recording below, you’ll watch Dave utilize two different methods to implement the Smarty US Address Autocomplete API into a form:

  • JavaScript SDK (Full documentation found here:
  • US Autocomplete Pro API: (Full documentation found here:

Start increasing your form fills and reducing bad address data.

Try the Smarty US Address Autocomplete API yourself for free by signing up for a free account where you’ll get 1,000 free US Address Autocomplete lookups, along with a slew of other useful testing items.

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