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Smarty® named among Utah's Top 2024 Workplaces

Smarty® named among Utah's Top 2024 Workplaces
Trent Howell
Trent Howell
November 25, 2024

PROVO, Utah, April 10, 2024 – The Salt Lake Tribune recently announced that Smarty ranked 8th in the Small Business category for Utah’s Top 2024 Workplaces. We. Are. Pumped.

Smarty is a great place to work, and we’re proud to say that the tradition of being publicly recognized as a top workplace is still going strong. 

If you’re unsure of what the Utah Top Workplaces Awards are or how they’re ranked, here’s the process in a nutshell.

First, there’s no cost to participate. This award isn’t a pay-to-play award, and there’s no obligatory purchase of products or services. There isn’t even an entry fee. The award is open to any business or company with 35 or more local employees in Utah.  

An organization is chosen for the award based on a survey completed by the experts on “good places to work”—the employees. 

Smarty employees completed the Energage survey, which covers 24 topics surrounding the company: pay, benefits, leadership, meaningfulness, and many more. Happily, we answered those questions earlier this year. And now were pumped to receive the recognition we craved for what we already knew to be true—Smarty rocks.

We simply enjoy working in such a positive environment and consider Smarty’s high placement to be a huge win for us all.  

Eric Rubino, Energage CEO, said it best, “Being honored with a Top Workplaces award is a distinctive mark of excellence, setting companies apart in a recognizable way. Top Workplaces embody the highest standards, and this award, rooted in authentic employee feedback, is a point of immense pride for company leaders.”

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