
Verify international addresses

international address verification

This page describes how to verify an international address using Smarty's international address verification API. (View current pricing.)


  1. HTTP request
    1. URL composition
    2. Request methods
    3. Headers
    4. Input fields
  2. HTTP response
    1. Status codes and results
    2. Output field definitions
  3. Supplementary material
    1. Full examples
    2. Supported countries
    3. SSL/TLS information
    4. Try the API

HTTP request: URL composition

Proper URL construction is required for all API requests. Here is an example URL:


URL components:

  • Scheme: https
    (Required; non-secure http requests are not supported.)
  • Hostname: international-street.api.smarty.com
  • Path: /verify
  • Query string: ?auth-id=123&auth-token=abc
    Note #1: When utilizing any of our APIs, the license parameter is optional. See License Selection for guidance.
    Note #2: Additional query string parameters are required; consult the next section.

For additional information, please read our article about URL components.

HTTP request: Supported methods/verbs

HTTP requests can be categorized according to their HTTP method. Most HTTP requests are defined using the GET method. We call these "get requests." Other common methods are PUT, POST, and DELETE.

The following methods are supported by this API:


To send one (and only one) address to our API, simply encode the input field names from the table below along with the corresponding input values as query string parameters in the URL of your request. Here's an example that uses the address1, address2, locality, administrative_area, postal_code, and country fields:

curl -v 'https://international-street.api.smarty.com/verify?


Please note that all query string parameter values must be url-encoded (spaces become + or %20, for example) to ensure that the data is transferred correctly. A common mistake we see is a non-encoded pound sign (#) like in an apartment number (# 409). This character, when properly encoded in a URL, becomes %23. When not encoded this character functions as the fragment identifier, which is ignored by our API servers.

HTTP request: Headers

You must include the following required HTTP headers in all requests:

Host The Host request header field specifies the internet host and port number of the resource being requested Host: international-street.api.smarty.com

Input fields

Each address submitted must have non-blank values for one of the following field combinations to be processed:

  • country + freeform
  • country + address1 + postal_code
  • country + address1 + locality + administrative_area

The ideal combination of input fields, which has the best chance of finding a valid address match, is as follows:

country + address1 + locality + administrative_area + postal_code

Additionally, the address1 field should contain the thoroughfare (street) name and the premise number. Example: 200 River Terrace

Name Type Max characters Description
input_id string 36 A unique identifier generated by you for this address for use within your application; this field will be copied into the output.
(e.g., 123456)
country string 64 (required) This must be entered with every address. Country Name or ISO classification (ISO-3, ISO-2 or ISO-N). Address validation will fail if this is missing.
(e.g., Brazil, BRA, BR, or 076)
geocode string 4 Set to true to enable geocoding (disabled by default). See the examples section for, well, an example.
language string 6 When not set, the output language will match the language of the input values. When set to native, the results will always be in the language of the output country whenever possible. When set to latin, the results will always be provided using a Latin character set basic ASCII, accents and other diacritics removed. The following character sets can be transliterated, into either native or Latin characters, for the specified countries:
  • Cyrillic (Russia)
  • Greek (Greece)
  • Hebrew (Israel)
  • Kanji (Japan)
  • Simplified Chinese (China)
  • Arabic (United Arab Emirates)
  • Thai (Thailand)
  • Hangul (South Korea)
freeform string 512 The entire address in a single field (without the country). If freeform is specified, all other address input fields (except country) will be ignored.
(e.g., Via Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, 72 46030-Tabellano MN)
address1 string 64 The first address line
(e.g., Calle Proc. San Sebastián, 15)
address2 string 64 The second address line (if any)
address3 string 64 The third address line (if any)
address4 string 64 The fourth address line (if any)
organization string 64 The name of the recipient, firm, or company at this address
(e.g., Robert Smith OR The Clean Oil Company)
locality string 64 The city name
(e.g., Paris)
administrative_area string 32 The state or province name or abbreviation
(e.g., Alberta or AB)
postal_code string 16 The postal code
(e.g., 90210-2301)
license string 64 The license or licenses (comma separated) to use for this lookup. Valid values can be found in the account dashboard under the appropriate subscription. If multiple licenses are specified, they are considered in left to right order. We recommend that each request explicitly specify a license value. For more information see License Selection.

HTTP response: Status codes and results

Responses will have a status header with a numeric value. This value is what you should check for when writing code to parse the response. The only response body that should be read and parsed is a 200 response.

Status code Response and explanation
401 Unauthorized: The credentials were provided incorrectly or did not match any existing, active credentials.
402 Payment required: There is no active subscription for the account associated with the credentials submitted with the request.
400 Bad request (malformed payload): Inputs from the request could not be interpreted.
422 Unprocessable entity: A GET request lacked required fields.
429 Too many requests: Too many requests with exactly the same input values were submitted within too short a period. This status code conveys that the input was not processed in order to prevent runaway charges caused by such conditions as a misbehaving (infinite) loop sending the same record over and over to the API. You're welcome.
429 (again) Too many requests: When using public "embedded key" authentication, we restrict the number of requests coming from a given source over too short of a time. If you use embedded key authentication, you can avoid this error by adding your IP address as an authorized host for the embedded key in question.
504 Gateway timeout: Our own upstream data provider did not respond in a timely fashion and the request failed. A serious, yet rare occurrence indeed.
200 OK (success!): A JSON array containing zero or more address matches for the input provided with the request. If none of the submitted addresses validate, the array will be empty ([]).

Full example: Verify only (no geocodes)


curl -v 'https://international-street.api.smarty.com/verify?



Every response is a JSON array containing zero or more address matches for your input. Only non-blank fields will be returned.

		"address1":"Rua Padre Antônio D'ângelo 121",
		"address2":"Casa Verde",
		"address3":"02516-040 São Paulo SP",
			"dependent_locality":"Casa Verde",
			"locality":"São Paulo",
			"thoroughfare":"Rua Padre Antônio D'ângelo",
			"thoroughfare_name":"Padre Antonio D'angelo",


Full example: Verify + geocode


curl -v 'https://international-street.api.smarty.com/verify?



Every response is a JSON array containing zero or more address matches for your input.

		"address1":"Rua Padre Antônio D'ângelo 121",
		"address2":"Casa Verde",
		"address3":"02516-040 São Paulo SP",
			"dependent_locality":"Casa Verde",
			"locality":"São Paulo",
			"thoroughfare":"Rua Padre Antônio D'ângelo",
			"thoroughfare_name":"Padre Antonio D'angelo",

Output fields

NOTE: Any returned fields that are not defined within this document should be considered experimental and may be changed or discontinued at any time without notice.

Root | Components | Metadata | Analysis | Changes


Field name Type Definition
input_id varchar(16) A unique identifier generated by you for this address for use within your application. The output will be identical to the value you provided in the request input_id.
organization varchar(256) The name of the recipient, firm, or company at this address. The output will be identical to the input.
address1-12 varchar(256) If address_precision = DeliveryPoint or Premise, these fields will contain the correctly formatted address for mailing in the relevant country, split into individual address lines. (Note: These fields may contain values that are not referenced in the address components.)

If address_precisionDeliveryPoint or Premise, the address fields may contain standardized address information or even the original input data.
components [Object] See "Components" table below. Contains the various basic elements of the address.
metadata [Object] See "Metadata" table below. Contains ancillary data about each address.
analysis [Object] See "Analysis" table below. Contains information about the validation and the precision of the output address.


Field name Type Definition
country_iso_3 varchar(3) The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. See our full listing for details.
administrative_area varchar(64) The most common administrative division within a country
(e.g., province in Canada)
super_administrative_area varchar(64) The largest administrative division within a country
(e.g., region in France)
sub_administrative_area varchar(64) The smallest administrative division within a country
(e.g., county in Germany)
locality varchar(64) Within a country, this is the most common population center.
(e.g., city in Chile)
dependent_locality varchar(64) If there is additional information about the locality, it will be here.
(e.g., neighborhood in Turkey)
dependent_locality_name varchar(64) If the dependent_locality has a name, you'll find it here.
(E.g., the dependent_locality "Dong Cheng Qu" is named "Dong Cheng.")
double_dependent_locality varchar(64) If there is additional information about the dependent_locality, you'll find it here.
(e.g., village in the United Kingdom)
postal_code varchar(64) The complete postal code for the delivery point
(e.g., V6G1V9 in Canada)
postal_code_short varchar(64) Primary postal code information
(e.g., 90210 in the United States)
postal_code_extra varchar(64) Secondary postal code information
(e.g., 3425 in the United States)
premise varchar(64) Alphanumeric code pertaining to an individual location
premise_extra varchar(64) Extra information about the premise that is not necessarily authoritative but might still be useful
(E.g., in a French address, 25 bis rue Emile Zola, 91190 Gif Sur Yvette, France, the premise number could be followed by the word "bis" which would be considered premise_extra data.)
premise_number varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the premise field
(E.g., if premise contains "Plot 7/7A" premise_number would contain "7/7A.")
premise_type varchar(64) The premise type component of the premise field
(E.g., if premise contains "Plot 7/7A" premise_type would contain "Plot.")
thoroughfare varchar(64) All thoroughfare components combined
thoroughfare_predirection varchar(64) The directional prefix component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "N Main St" thoroughfare_predirection would contain "N."
thoroughfare_postdirection varchar(64) The directional suffix component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Main St N" thoroughfare_postdirection would contain "N.")
thoroughfare_name varchar(64) The name component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Main St" thoroughfare_name would contain "Main.")
thoroughfare_trailing_type varchar(64) The trailing thoroughfare type component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "N Main St" thoroughfare_trailing_type would contain "St.")
thoroughfare_type varchar(64) The leading thoroughfare type component of the thoroughfare
(E.g., if thoroughfare contains "Rue De La Gare" thoroughfare_leading_type would contain "Rue.")
dependent_thoroughfare varchar(64) All of the dependent thoroughfare components combined
dependent_thoroughfare_predirection varchar(64) The directional prefix component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_predirection would contain "N.")
dependent_thoroughfare_postdirection varchar(64) The directional suffix component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "Main St N" dependent_thoroughfare_postdirection would contain "N.")
dependent_thoroughfare_name varchar(64) The name component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_name would contain "Main.")
dependent_thoroughfare_trailing_type varchar(64) The trailing dependent_thoroughfare type component of the dependent_thoroughfare
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "N Main St" dependent_thoroughfare_trailing_type would contain "St.")
dependent_thoroughfare_type varchar(64) The leading thoroughfare type component of the dependent_thoroughfare field
(E.g., if dependent_thoroughfare contains "Rue De La Gare" dependent_thoroughfare_type would contain "Rue.")
building varchar(64) The descriptive name that identifies an individual location, if one exists
building_leading_type varchar(64) The leading building type component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Bloc C" building_leading_type would contain "Bloc.")
building_name varchar(64) The name component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Westminster House" building_name would contain "Westminster.")
building_trailing_type varchar(64) The trailing building type component of the building
(E.g., if building contains "Westminster House" building_trailing_type would contain "House.")
sub_building varchar(64) All sub_building components combined
sub_building_type varchar(64) The leading sub-building type of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Flat 1" sub_building_type would contain "Flat.")
sub_building_number varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Flat 1" sub_building_number would contain "1.")
sub_building_name varchar(64) The descriptive name component of the sub_building
(E.g., if sub_building contains "Basement Flat" sub_building_name would contain "Basement.")
post_box varchar(64) All post_box Post Office Box components combined
post_box_type varchar(64) The type component of the post_box
(E.g., if post_box contains "PO Box 1234" post_box_type would contain "PO Box.")
post_box_number varchar(64) The alphanumeric component of the postbox
(E.g., if post_box contains "PO Box 1234" post_box_number would contain "1234.")
additional_content varchar(64) (Canada) Content used in postal delivery
(E.g., Site 2 Comp 12)
delivery_installation varchar(64) (Canada) Delivery installation - a composite of delivery_install_type and delivery_installation_qualifier_name
(E.g., Rpo Ritson Centre)
delivery_installation_type varchar(64) (Canada) Delivery installation type
(E.g., RPO)
delivery_installation_qualifier_name varchar(64) (Canada) Delivery name associated with delivery_installation_type
(E.g., Ritson Centre)
route varchar(64) (Canada) Route - a composite of route_type and route_number
(E.g., RR 4)
route_type varchar(64) (Canada) Route type
(E.g., RR, GD, etc.)
route_number varchar(64) (Canada) Route number associated with route_type
(E.g., 4)


Field name Type Definition
latitude decimal(9,6) The horizontal component used for geographic positioning; it is the angle between 0° (the equator) and ±90° (north or south) at the poles measured in decimal degrees. It is the first value in an ordered pair of latitude, longitude. A negative number denotes a location south of the equator; a positive number is north. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
longitude decimal(9,6) The vertical component used for geographic positioning; it is the angle between 0° (the Prime Meridian) and ±180° (westward or eastward) measured in decimal degrees. It is the second number in an ordered pair of (latitude, longitude). A negative number indicates a location west of Greenwich, England; a positive number east. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
geocode_precision varchar(18) Indicates the precision level of the latitude and longitude values.

None — Geocode not known (possibly because address is invalid).

AdministrativeArea — Geocode is accurate down to the administrative area (i.e., region or province).

Locality — Geocode is accurate down to the locality (i.e., city).

Thoroughfare — Geocode is accurate down to the thoroughfare (i.e., street).

Premise — Geocode is accurate down to a range of addresses on the specified street (i.e., building, block level or street segment).

DeliveryPoint — Geocode is accurate to the actual delivery point (i.e., house, mailbox or apartment).
max_geocode_precision varchar(16) Indicates the best geocode_precision available for the input country.
address_format varchar(256)

A template that shows where we positioned the different address components on line 1, line 2, etc. (The format changes from one country to another.)

Due to the ever-changing nature of the underlying data, this field may contain values that are not referenced in the address components.


building | premise thoroughfare | postal_code locality

Each "pipe" character (|) represents a line break. Following this guide, the numbered address fields would be composed accordingly:

  • Address 1: building
  • Address 2: premise thoroughfare
  • Address 3: postal_code locality

For native languages that do not use spaces between words, the corresponding component fields will also not have spaces between them.

The address_format field will not be present for US addresses. Here's some additional info on the composition of US addresses.


Field name Type Definition
verification_status varchar(16) Indicates the verification status of the address. (See address_precision for more details)

None — Not verified. The output fields will contain the input data.

Partial — Verification only at the level indicated by address_precision. (Better input might result in a better match.)

Ambiguous — Multiple matching addresses found. Each candidate address will have its own precision level. A common "ambiguous" scenario is that the output will contain two versions of the same address — one with an organization name and one without.

Verified — The address was verified, at the indicated precision level.
address_precision varchar(24) Indicates the precision level at which an address match is found.

None — None of the address is verified.

AdministrativeArea — Address match is verified to the administrative area (i.e., region or province).

Locality — Address match is verified to the locality (i.e., city).

Thoroughfare — Address match is verified down to the thoroughfare (i.e., street).

Premise — Address match is verified to a range of addresses on the specified street (i.e., building, block level or street segment).

DeliveryPoint — Address match is verified to the delivery point (i.e., building, sub-building, or mailbox)
max_address_precision varchar(16) Indicates the best address_precision available for the input country.
changes [Object] Contains a collection of address components paired with values which specify the difference between corresponding input/lookup and output/candidate data. See the explanation of possible Changes values below.


Each value in this object (and any subordinate objects) will have a type of varchar(64) and will either be blank or contain one of the following values:

Field has been verified using relevant reference data; no changes were needed.
Field has been verified using relevant reference data; an alias change was made during parsing (see Identified-AliasChange).
Field has been verified using relevant reference data; a small spelling change was made.
Field has been verified using relevant reference data; a large spelling change was made.
Field has been added using relevant reference data.
Field has been identified using relevant lexicon data; no changes were needed. E.g., an input value of 'PO Box 1234' may be identifiable as a postbox, but if it is unable to be verified then this value will be returned.
Field has been identified using relevant lexicon data; an alias change was made. E.g., an input value of 'Avnue' may be identifiable as an alias to the thoroughfare_type 'Ave'.
Field has been identified using relevant context rules. E.g., an input address of '123 sdovnsdv San Bruno CA USA' may identify the word 'sdovnsdv' as a thoroughfare, but only because of the context in which it appears (after an identifiable premise_number, and before an identifiable locality).
Field was unrecognized.
Field name Type Definition
organization varchar(256) If present, the degree of change to the name of the recipient, firm, or company at this address.
address1-12 varchar(256) If present, these fields show the degree of change to each of the address lines.
components [Object] See "Components" table above for field names. However, values will show the degree of change to each of the components of the address.

Supported countries

The below countries are supported and available in our international address validation. Notice that the verification and geocode accuracy levels are different for each country. That means that addresses in Nicaragua, for example, can only be verified to the locality or city because that is the best data available for that country.

Note: Smarty recommends that any USA address be processed through our us-street-address-api, as the response will contain more useful metadata.

Country ISO-3 ISO-2 Address precision Geocode precision
Afghanistan AFG AF Locality Locality
Åland Islands ALA AX DeliveryPoint Premise
Albania ALB AL DeliveryPoint Premise
Alderaan - (No longer available) ALD AA DeliveryPoint DeliveryPoint
Algeria DZA DZ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
American Samoa ASM AS Locality Thoroughfare
Andorra AND AD DeliveryPoint Premise
Angola AGO AO DeliveryPoint Premise
Anguilla AIA AI Locality Locality
Antarctica ATA AQ Locality Locality
Antigua and Barbuda ATG AG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Argentina ARG AR DeliveryPoint Premise
Armenia ARM AM DeliveryPoint Premise
Aruba ABW AW DeliveryPoint Premise
Australia AUS AU DeliveryPoint Premise
Austria AUT AT DeliveryPoint Premise
Azerbaijan AZE AZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Bahamas BHS BS DeliveryPoint Premise
Bahrain BHR BH DeliveryPoint Premise
Bangladesh BGD BD Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Barbados BRB BB DeliveryPoint Premise
Belarus BLR BY DeliveryPoint Premise
Belgium BEL BE DeliveryPoint Premise
Belize BLZ BZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Benin BEN BJ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Bermuda BMU BM DeliveryPoint Premise
Bhutan BTN BT Locality Locality
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela VEN VE DeliveryPoint Premise
Bolivia BOL BO DeliveryPoint Premise
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BES BQ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA DeliveryPoint Premise
Botswana BWA BW DeliveryPoint Premise
Brazil BRA BR DeliveryPoint Premise
British Indian Ocean Territory IOT IO Locality Locality
British Virgin Islands VGB VG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Brunei Darussalam BRN BN DeliveryPoint Premise
Bulgaria BGR BG DeliveryPoint Premise
Burkina Faso BFA BF DeliveryPoint Premise
Burundi BDI BI Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Cabo Verde CPV CV Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Cambodia KHM KH DeliveryPoint Premise
Cameroon CMR CM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Canada CAN CA DeliveryPoint Premise
Cayman Islands CYM KY DeliveryPoint Premise
Central African Republic CAF CF Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Chad TCD TD Locality Locality
Chile CHL CL DeliveryPoint Premise
China CHN CN Thoroughfare Locality
Christmas Island CXR CX Locality Locality
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CCK CC DeliveryPoint Locality
Colombia COL CO DeliveryPoint Premise
Comoros COM KM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Congo COG CG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Cook Islands COK CK Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Costa Rica CRI CR DeliveryPoint Premise
Croatia HRV HR DeliveryPoint Premise
Cuba CUB CU Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Curaçao CUW CW Locality Locality
Cyprus CYP CY DeliveryPoint Premise
Czechia CZE CZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) PRK KP Locality Locality
Democratic Republic of the Congo COD CD Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Denmark DNK DK DeliveryPoint Premise
Djibouti DJI DJ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Dominica DMA DM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Dominican Republic DOM DO DeliveryPoint Premise
Ecuador ECU EC DeliveryPoint Premise
Egypt EGY EG DeliveryPoint Premise
El Salvador SLV SV Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Equatorial Guinea GNQ GQ Locality Locality
Eritrea ERI ER Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Estonia EST EE DeliveryPoint Premise
Eswatini SWZ SZ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Ethiopia ETH ET Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Falkland Islands FLK FK Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Faroe Islands FRO FO DeliveryPoint Premise
Federated States of Micronesia FSM FM Locality Locality
Fiji FJI FJ DeliveryPoint Premise
Finland FIN FI DeliveryPoint Premise
France FRA FR DeliveryPoint Premise
French Guiana GUF GF DeliveryPoint Premise
French Polynesia PYF PF Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
French Southern Territories ATF TF Locality Locality
Gabon GAB GA Locality Locality
Gambia GMB GM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Georgia GEO GE DeliveryPoint Premise
Germany DEU DE DeliveryPoint Premise
Ghana GHA GH Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Gibraltar GIB GI DeliveryPoint Premise
Greece GRC GR DeliveryPoint Premise
Greenland GRL GL DeliveryPoint Premise
Grenada GRD GD Locality Locality
Guadeloupe GLP GP DeliveryPoint Premise
Guam GUM GU DeliveryPoint Premise
Guatemala GTM GT DeliveryPoint Premise
Guernsey GGY GG DeliveryPoint Premise
Guinea GIN GN Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Guinea-Bissau GNB GW Locality Locality
Guyana GUY GY Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Haiti HTI HT Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Holy See VAT VA DeliveryPoint Premise
Honduras HND HN Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Hong Kong HKG HK DeliveryPoint Premise
Hungary HUN HU DeliveryPoint Premise
Iceland ISL IS DeliveryPoint Premise
India IND IN DeliveryPoint Premise
Indonesia IDN ID DeliveryPoint Premise
Iraq IRQ IQ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Ireland IRL IE DeliveryPoint Premise
Islamic Republic of Iran IRN IR Locality Locality
Isle of Man IMN IM DeliveryPoint Premise
Israel ISR IL DeliveryPoint Premise
Italy ITA IT DeliveryPoint Premise
Ivory Coast CIV CI Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Jamaica JAM JM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Japan JPN JP DeliveryPoint Premise
Jersey JEY JE DeliveryPoint Premise
Jordan JOR JO DeliveryPoint Premise
Kazakhstan KAZ KZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Kenya KEN KE Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Kiribati KIR KI Locality Locality
Kosovo XKV KV Premise Premise
Kuwait KWT KW DeliveryPoint Premise
Kyrgyzstan KGZ KG DeliveryPoint Premise
Lao People's Democratic Republic LAO LA Locality Locality
Latvia LVA LV DeliveryPoint Premise
Lebanon LBN LB DeliveryPoint Premise
Lesotho LSO LS DeliveryPoint Premise
Liberia LBR LR Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Libya LBY LY Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Liechtenstein LIE LI DeliveryPoint Premise
Lithuania LTU LT DeliveryPoint Premise
Luxembourg LUX LU DeliveryPoint Premise
Macao MAC MO DeliveryPoint Premise
Madagascar MDG MG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Malawi MWI MW Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Malaysia MYS MY DeliveryPoint Premise
Maldives MDV MV Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Mali MLI ML Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Malta MLT MT DeliveryPoint Premise
Marshall Islands MHL MH Premise Thoroughfare
Martinique MTQ MQ DeliveryPoint Premise
Mauritania MRT MR Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Mauritius MUS MU Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Mayotte MYT YT DeliveryPoint Premise
Mexico MEX MX DeliveryPoint Premise
Monaco MCO MC DeliveryPoint Premise
Mongolia MNG MN Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Montenegro MNE ME DeliveryPoint Premise
Montserrat MSR MS Locality Locality
Morocco MAR MA DeliveryPoint Premise
Mozambique MOZ MZ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Myanmar MMR MM DeliveryPoint Premise
Namibia NAM NA DeliveryPoint Premise
Nauru NRU NR Locality Locality
Nepal NPL NP Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Netherlands NLD NL DeliveryPoint Premise
New Caledonia NCL NC DeliveryPoint Premise
New Zealand NZL NZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Nicaragua NIC NI Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Niger NER NE Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Nigeria NGA NG DeliveryPoint Premise
Niue NIU NU Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Norfolk Island NFK NF DeliveryPoint Premise
Northern Mariana Islands MNP MP DeliveryPoint Premise
Norway NOR NO DeliveryPoint Premise
Oman OMN OM DeliveryPoint Premise
Pakistan PAK PK Locality Locality
Palau PLW PW Locality Locality
Panama PAN PA DeliveryPoint Premise
Papua New Guinea PNG PG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Paraguay PRY PY DeliveryPoint Premise
Peru PER PE DeliveryPoint Premise
Philippines PHL PH DeliveryPoint Premise
Pitcairn PCN PN Locality Locality
Poland POL PL DeliveryPoint Premise
Portugal PRT PT DeliveryPoint Premise
Puerto Rico PRI PR DeliveryPoint Premise
Qatar QAT QA DeliveryPoint Premise
Republic of Korea KOR KR DeliveryPoint Premise
Republic of Moldova MDA MD DeliveryPoint Premise
Republic of North Macedonia MKD MK DeliveryPoint Premise
Réunion REU RE DeliveryPoint Premise
Romania ROU RO DeliveryPoint Premise
Russian Federation RUS RU DeliveryPoint Premise
Rwanda RWA RW Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Saint Barthélemy BLM BL DeliveryPoint Premise
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHN SH Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA KN Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Saint Lucia LCA LC Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Saint Martin MAF MF DeliveryPoint Premise
Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM PM DeliveryPoint Premise
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT VC Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Samoa WSM WS Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
San Marino SMR SM DeliveryPoint Premise
Sao Tome and Principe STP ST Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Saudi Arabia SAU SA DeliveryPoint Premise
Senegal SEN SN Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Serbia SRB RS DeliveryPoint Premise
Seychelles SYC SC Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Sierra Leone SLE SL Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Singapore SGP SG DeliveryPoint Premise
Sint Maarten (Dutch) SXM SX Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Slovakia SVK SK DeliveryPoint Premise
Slovenia SVN SI DeliveryPoint Premise
Solomon Islands SLB SB Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Somalia SOM SO Locality Locality
South Africa ZAF ZA DeliveryPoint Premise
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS GS Locality Locality
South Sudan SSD SS Thoroughfare Locality
Spain ESP ES DeliveryPoint Premise
Sri Lanka LKA LK Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
State of Palestine PSE PS Locality Locality
Sudan SDN SD Locality Locality
Suriname SUR SR DeliveryPoint Premise
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJM SJ DeliveryPoint Premise
Sweden SWE SE DeliveryPoint Premise
Switzerland CHE CH DeliveryPoint Premise
Syrian Arab Republic SYR SY Locality Locality
Taiwan TWN TW DeliveryPoint Premise
Tajikistan TJK TJ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Thailand THA TH DeliveryPoint Premise
Timor-Leste TLS TL Locality Locality
Togo TGO TG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Tokelau TKL TK Locality Locality
Tonga TON TO DeliveryPoint Premise
Trinidad and Tobago TTO TT Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Tunisia TUN TN DeliveryPoint Premise
Türkiye (Turkey) TUR TR DeliveryPoint Premise
Turkmenistan TKM TM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Turks and Caicos Islands TCA TC Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Tuvalu TUV TV Locality Locality
Uganda UGA UG Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Ukraine UKR UA DeliveryPoint Premise
United Arab Emirates ARE AE DeliveryPoint Premise
United Kingdom GBR GB DeliveryPoint Premise
United Republic of Tanzania TZA TZ Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
United States Minor Outlying Islands UMI UM Locality Locality
United States of America USA US DeliveryPoint Premise
Uruguay URY UY DeliveryPoint Premise
Uzbekistan UZB UZ DeliveryPoint Premise
Vanuatu VUT VU DeliveryPoint Premise
Viet Nam VNM VN DeliveryPoint Premise
Virgin Islands (U.S.) VIR VI DeliveryPoint Premise
Wallis and Futuna WLF WF Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Western Sahara ESH EH Locality Locality
Yemen YEM YE Locality Locality
Zambia ZMB ZM Thoroughfare Thoroughfare
Zimbabwe ZWE ZW DeliveryPoint Premise

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