
US Street Address API

This page describes how to verify one or more addresses using the Smarty US Address Validation API. You may want to try it out with a free testing account.

(Need to validate a single address? Try our less-technical single address verification tool.)


  1. HTTP Request
    1. URL composition
    2. Supported methods/verbs
    3. Input fields
    4. Headers
  2. HTTP response
    1. Status codes and results
    2. Output field definitions
  3. Supplementary materials
    1. SSL/TLS information
    2. Try the live API

HTTP request: URL composition

Proper URL construction is required for all API requests. Here is an example URL:


Here is a more granular examination of the example above:

URL components Values Notes
Scheme https Note: Non-secure http requests are not supported.
Hostname us-street.api.smarty.com
Path /street-address
Query string ?auth-id=123&auth-token=abc&license=your-license-value Authentication information, license parameter, input fields, etc.

Note: When utilizing any of our APIs, the license parameter is optional. See License Selection for guidance.

The license parameter specifies the license or licenses (comma separated) to use for this lookup. Valid values can be found in the account dashboard under the appropriate subscription. If multiple licenses are specified, they are considered in left to right order.

For additional information, please read our article about URL components.

HTTP request: Supported methods/verbs

Supported HTTP methods

HTTP requests can be categorized according to their HTTP method. Most HTTP requests are defined using the GET method. We call these "get requests." Other common methods are PUT, POST, and DELETE.

The following methods are supported by this API:

Note: When calling any of our APIs using "embedded key" authentication, only the HTTP GET method is allowed. With "secret key" authentication, both HTTP GET and POST methods are allowed.

HTTP GET: Single address

To send one (and only one) address to our API, simply encode the input field names from the table below along with the corresponding input values as query string parameters in the URL of your request. Here's an example that uses the street, city, state, and candidates fields (line breaks added for readability):

curl -v 'https://us-street.api.smarty.com/street-address?

Please note that all query string parameter values must be url-encoded (spaces become + or %20, for example) to ensure that the data is transferred correctly. A common mistake we see is a non-encoded pound sign (#) like in an apartment number (# 409). This character, when properly encoded in a URL, becomes %23. When not encoded this character functions as the fragment identifier, which is ignored by our API servers.

HTTP GET: Single address with rooftop geocoding

If you have a US Rooftop Geocoding subscription, to return the best possible geocoding results include the license parameter as follows (line breaks added for readability):

curl -v 'https://us-street.api.smarty.com/street-address?

	# NOTE: please see your subscription as listed in the account dashboard for the appropriate license value.

HTTP GET: Single address with Project US@ formatting standards

If you have a subscription that allows for Project US@ formatting, to return the acceptable Project US@ results include the format parameter as follows (line breaks added for readability):

curl -v 'https://us-street.api.smarty.com/street-address?

HTTP POST: Multiple addresses

A POST request allows a larger volume of data (MAX: 100 addresses or 32 kilobytes per request) to be sent in the HTTP Request Body. In this case, the data should be encoded as a JSON array where each element in the array is a JSON object with field names identical to those in the field listing below. Here's a sample request with two addresses being sent (line breaks added for readability):

curl -v 'https://us-street.api.smarty.com/street-address?
	-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"
	--data-binary '
			"street":"1 Santa Claus",
			"city":"North Pole",
			"addressee":"Apple Inc",
			"street":"1 infinite loop",

* Project US@ formatting can also be applied to multiple addresses by using the format=project-usa parameter.

HTTP request: Input fields

Each address submitted must have non-blank values for one of the following field combinations to be eligible for a positive address match:

  • street + city + state
  • street + zipcode
  • street (entire address in the street field — what we call a "freeform" input)
Name Type Max characters Default value Description
input_id string 36 blank A unique identifier for this address used in your application; this field will be copied into the output.
street string 50 blank The street line of the address, or the entire address ("freeform" input).

Freeform input can be up to 100 characters but only the first 50 will be considered for the street portion of the address. Freeform inputs should NOT include any form of country information (like "USA").
street2 string 50 blank Any extra address information
(e.g., Leave it on the front porch.)
secondary string 32 blank Apartment, suite, or office number
(e.g., "Apt 52" or simply "52"; not "Apt52".)
city string 64 blank The city name
state string 32 blank The state name or abbreviation
zipcode string 16 blank The ZIP Code
lastline string 64 blank City, state, and ZIP Code combined
addressee string 64 blank The name of the person or company at this address
urbanization string 64 blank The neighborhood (only Puerto Rican addresses)
candidates integer Max value: 10 1 The maximum number of addresses returned when the input is ambiguous
match string 8 strict The match output strategy to be employed for this lookup. Valid values are:
  • strict  The API will return detailed output only if a valid match is found. Otherwise the API response will be an empty array.
  • invalid  The API will return detailed output for both valid and invalid addresses. To find out if the address is valid, check the dpv_match_code. Values of Y, S, or D indicate a valid address.
  • enhanced  The API will return detailed output based on a more aggressive matching mechanism. It also includes a more comprehensive address dataset beyond just the postal address data. Requires a US Core license or a US Rooftop Geocoding license. Note: A freeform address, that we can't find a match for, will respond with an empty
    array, "[]".
(1) The invalid setting is not compatible with freeform address input. For all addresses submitted freeform, the API will automatically employ a strict match output strategy.
(2) When submitting addresses in components, setting match to invalid will prevent the API from finding valid matches for ambiguous address input.
format string 12 default The output format to be employed for this lookup, with an appropriate product subscription. Valid values are:
  • default  The API will return the address in the default format.
  • project-usa  The API will return the address in Project US@ format.

HTTP request: Headers

You must include the following required HTTP headers in all requests:

Header Description Example
Content-type The purpose of the Content-Type field is to describe the data contained in the body fully enough that the receiving user agent can pick an appropriate agent or mechanism to present the data to the user, or otherwise deal with the data in an appropriate manner. Content-type: application/json
Host The Host request header field specifies the internet host of the resource being requested. Optionally, it can also specify a non-default port number. Host: us-street.api.smarty.com

HTTP response: Status codes and results

Responses will have a status header with a numeric value. This value is what you should check for when writing code to parse the response. The only response body that should be read and parsed is a 200 response.

Status code Response and explanation
401 Unauthorized: The credentials were provided incorrectly or did not match any existing, active credentials.
402 Payment Required: There is no active subscription for the account associated with the credentials submitted with the request.
413 Request entity too large: The maximum size for a request body to this API is 32K (32,768 bytes).
400 Bad request (malformed payload): A GET request lacked a street field, or the request body of a POST request contained malformed JSON. (example: submitting an integer value in the ZIP Code field when a string is expected)
422 Unprocessable entity: A POST request lacked a street field.
429 Too many requests: When using public embedded key authentication, we restrict the number of requests coming from a given source over too short of a time. If you use embedded key authentication, you can avoid this error by adding your IP address as an authorized host for the embedded key in question.
200 OK (success!): A JSON array containing zero or more address matches for the input provided with the request. If none of the submitted addresses validate, the array will be empty ([]). The structure of the response is the same for both GET and POST requests.

JSON response

Rather than writing your own code to parse the JSON response, we recommend using a tried and tested JSON parser that is specific for your programming language. There is a very comprehensive list of such tools (as well as the complete JSON specification) at json.org.

Example output - Valid address

		"input_index": 0,
		"candidate_index": 0,
		"delivery_line_1": "1 Santa Claus Ln",
		"last_line": "North Pole AK 99705-9901",
		"delivery_point_barcode": "997059901010",
		"smarty_key": "1144020281",
		"components": {
			"primary_number": "1",
			"street_name": "Santa Claus",
			"street_suffix": "Ln",
			"city_name": "North Pole",
			"state_abbreviation": "AK",
			"zipcode": "99705",
			"plus4_code": "9901",
			"delivery_point": "01",
			"delivery_point_check_digit": "0"
		"metadata": {
			"record_type": "S",
			"zip_type": "Standard",
			"county_fips": "02090",
			"county_name": "Fairbanks North Star",
			"carrier_route": "C004",
			"congressional_district": "AL",
			"rdi": "Commercial",
			"elot_sequence": "0001",
			"elot_sort": "A",
			"latitude": 64.75233,
			"longitude": -147.35297,
			"coordinate_license": 1,
			"precision": "Rooftop",
			"time_zone": "Alaska",
			"utc_offset": -9,
			"dst": true
		"analysis": {
			"dpv_match_code": "Y",
			"dpv_footnotes": "AABB",
			"dpv_cmra": "N",
			"dpv_vacant": "N",
			"dpv_no_stat": "Y",
			"active": "Y",
			"footnotes": "L#"
		"input_index": 1,
		"candidate_index": 0,
		"addressee": "Apple Inc",
		"delivery_line_1": "1 Infinite Loop",
		// truncated for brevity

Example output - Invalid address


HTTP response: Output field definitions

Only non-blank fields will be returned.

Root | Components | Metadata | Analysis | Footnotes


Field name Type Definition
input_id varchar(36) Any unique identifier that you use to reference the input address; the output will be identical to the input.
input_index int The order in which this address was submitted with the others
(0 if alone)
candidate_index int An input address can match multiple valid addresses. This ties the candidates to the input index.
(e.g., "1 Rosedale Street Baltimore Maryland" will return multiple candidates.)
addressee varchar(64) The name of the person or company at this address. This field may also include delivery information such as c/o Jane Smith or ATTN: Accounts Payable. This value is taken directly from the addressee input field. Very rarely, this field might be filled automatically based on the USPS address record.
delivery_line_1 varchar(64) Contains the first delivery line (usually the street address). This can include any of the following:
  • urbanization (Puerto Rico only)
  • primary number
  • street predirection
  • street name
  • street suffix
  • street postdirection
  • secondary designator
  • secondary number
  • extra secondary designator
  • extra secondary number
  • PMB designator
  • PMB number
delivery_line_2 varchar(64) The second delivery line (if needed). It is common for this field to remain empty, but it may contain a private mailbox number.
last_line varchar(64) City, state, and ZIP Code combined
delivery_point_barcode varchar(12) 12-digit POSTNET™ barcode; consists of 5-digit ZIP Code, 4-digit add-on code, 2-digit delivery point, and 1-digit check digit.
smarty_key varchar(10) Smarty's unique identifier for an address. This identifier will only be displayed when an address is submitted with the match parameter set to "enhanced," with an appropriate product subscription.
components [Object] See "Components" table below.
metadata [Object] See "Metadata" table below.
analysis [Object] See "Analysis" table below.


Field name Type Definition
urbanization varchar(64) The neighborhood, or city subdivision; used with Puerto Rican addresses
primary_number varchar(30) The house, PO Box, or building number
street_name varchar(64) The name of the street
street_predirection char(16) Directional information before a street name (N, SW, etc.)
street_postdirection char(16) Directional information after a street name (N, SW, etc.)
street_suffix char(16) Abbreviated value describing the street (St, Ave, Blvd, etc.)
secondary_number varchar(32) Apartment or suite number, if any
secondary_designator varchar(16) Describes location within a complex/building (Ste, Apt, etc.)
extra_secondary_number varchar(32) Descriptive information about the location of a building within a campus
(e.g., E-5 in "5619 Loop 1604, Bldg E-5, Ste. 101 San Antonio TX")
extra_secondary_designator varchar(16) Description of the location type within a campus
(e.g., Bldg, Unit, Lot, etc.)
pmb_designator varchar(16) The private mailbox unit designator, assigned by a CMRA
pmb_number varchar(16) The private mailbox number, assigned by a CMRA
city_name varchar(64) The USPS-preferred city name for this particular address, or an acceptable alternate if provided by the user
default_city_name varchar(64) The default city name for this 5-digit ZIP Code
state_abbreviation char(2) The two-letter state abbreviation
zipcode char(5) The 5-digit ZIP Code
plus4_code varchar(4) The 4-digit add-on code (more specific than 5-digit ZIP)
delivery_point char(2) The last two digits of the house/box number, unless an "H" record is matched, in which case this is the secondary unit number representing the delivery point information to form the delivery point barcode (DPBC).
delivery_point_check_digit char(1) Correction character, or check digit, for the 11-digit barcode


Field name Type Definition
record_type char(1) Indicates the type of record that was matched. Only given if a DPV match is made.

F — Firm; the finest level of match available for an address.
(e.g., Julie Julia 11300 Center Ave Gilroy CA 95020-9257)
G — General Delivery; for mail to be held at local post offices.
(e.g., General Delivery Provo UT 84601)
H — High-rise; address contains apartment or building sub-units.
(e.g., 1600 Pennsylvania Ave SE Washington DC 20003-3228)
P — Post Office box
(e.g., PO Box 4735 Tulsa OK 74159-0735)
R — Rural Route or Highway Contract; may have box number ranges.
(e.g., RR 2 Box 4560 Anasco PR 00610-9393)
S — Street; address contains a valid primary number range.
(e.g., 16990 Monterey Rd Lake Elsinore CA 92530-7529)
[blank] — No record type because address did not make a valid DPV match
zip_type varchar(32) Indicates the type of the ZIP Code for the address that was matched. Only given if a 5-digit match is made.

Unique — The ZIP Code consists of a single delivery point, pertaining to a US Postal Service customer (like a large business or government agency) that routes all of its own mail internally.
Military — The ZIP Code pertains to military units and diplomatic organizations, often in foreign locations.
POBox — The ZIP Code is a PO Box ZIP Code and is assigned to a collection of Post Office Boxes.
Standard — The ZIP Code does not pertain to any of the above categories.
county_fips char(5) The 5-digit county FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code. It is a combination of a 2-digit state FIPS code and a 3-digit county code assigned by the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology).
county_name varchar(64) The name of the county in which the address is located
ews_match char(5) Early warning system flag; a positive result indicates the street of the address is not yet ready for mail delivery and that the address will soon be added to the master ZIP+4 file in the coming weeks or months. This commonly occurs for new streets or streets undergoing a name change.

true — The address was flagged by EWS, preventing a ZIP+4 match.
[blank] — Address was not flagged by EWS.
carrier_route char(4) The postal carrier route for the address. Consists of a one-letter prefix followed by a three-digit route designator.
(e.g., C007, R123)

C — Carrier Route (commonly termed "City Route")
R — Rural Route
H — Highway Contract Route
B — Post Office Box Section
G — General Delivery Unit

Routes C770 through C779 pertain to PO Box Street Addresses.
congressional_district char(2) The congressional district to which the address belongs. Output will be two digits from 01 - 53 or "AL." "AL" means that the entire state (or territory) is covered by a single congressional district. These include Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Wyoming, Washington DC, Virgin Islands, and other territories.
building_default_indicator char(1) Indicates whether the address is the "default" address for a building; for example, the main lobby

Y — Yes
N — No
rdi varchar(12) Residential delivery indicator (residential or commercial)

Residential — The address is a residential address.
Commercial — The address is a commercial address.
[blank] — This happens when the address is invalid or we don't have enough information to ascertain RDI status. The Bulk Address Validation Tool translates a [blank] RDI value to "Unknown."

Note: For some reason, known only to the US Postal Service, PO Boxes are always marked as "Residential."
elot_sequence varchar(4) eLOT (Enhanced Line of Travel) 4-digit sequence number
elot_sort varchar(4) eLOT (Enhanced Line of Travel) product was developed to give mailers the ability to sort their mailings by line of travel sequence.

A — Ascending
D — Descending
[blank] — Address not submitted for eLOT
latitude decimal(9,6) The horizontal component used for geographic positioning. It is the angle between 0° (the equator) and ±90° (north or south) at the poles. It is the first value in an ordered pair of (latitude, longitude). A negative number denotes a location below the equator; a positive number is above the equator. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
longitude decimal(9,6) The vertical component used for geographic positioning. It is the angle between 0° (the Prime Meridian) and ±180° (westward or eastward). It is the second number in an ordered pair of (latitude, longitude). A negative number indicates a location west of Greenwich, England; a positive number east. Combining lat/long values enables you to pinpoint addresses on a map.
coordinate_license int The license ID for the geographic coordinate returned. See the licensing table below for more details.
precision varchar(18) Indicates the precision of the latitude and longitude values.

Unknown — Coordinates not known. Reasons could include: address is invalid, military address (APO or FPO), lat/lon coordinates not available.
Zip5 — Accurate to a 5-digit ZIP Code level (least precise)
Zip6 — Accurate to a 6-digit ZIP Code level
Zip7 — Accurate to a 7-digit ZIP Code level
Zip8 — Accurate to an 8-digit ZIP Code level
Zip9 — Accurate to a 9-digit ZIP Code level (most precise with the basic subscription)
Street — Accurate to a position along the street proportional to the house/building number.
Parcel — Accurate to the centroid of a property parcel. Requires the US Rooftop Geocoding subscription.
Rooftop — Accurate to the rooftop of a structure for this address. Requires the US Rooftop Geocoding subscription.

Note: Concerning addresses for which the ZIP9 precision is not available, the ZIP# precision is interpolated based on neighboring addresses. Thus, ZIP7 is an average of all the lat/long coordinates of nearby ZIP Codes that share those first 7 digits.
time_zone varchar(48) Indicates the common name of the time zone associated with the address.

Valid Responses
Alaska, Atlantic, Central, Eastern, Hawaii, Mountain, None, Pacific, Samoa, UTC+9, UTC+10, UTC+11, UTC+12
utc_offset decimal(4,2) Indicates the number of hours the time zone is offset from Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), the international time standard, also known as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT).

Valid responses
-11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, 0, 9, 10, 11, 12
dst char(5) Indicates if the time zone "obeys," or, in other words, adjusts their clocks forward and back with the seasons. This information is particularly useful to determine time in other time zones with areas that may or may not use daylight saving time - for example, Arizona, Hawaii, and, of all places, Indiana.

true — Time zone observes daylight saving time.

If dst is absent from the response, then time zone does not observe daylight saving time.


Field name Type Definition
dpv_match_code varchar(1) Status of the Delivery Point Validation (DPV). This indicates whether or not the address is present in the USPS data.

Y — Confirmed; entire address is present in the USPS data. (To be certain the address is actually deliverable, verify that the dpv_vacant field has a value of N. You may also want to verify that the dpv_no_stat field has a value of N. However, the USPS is often several months behind in updating this data point, so only rely on the dpv_no_stat data if you are fully aware of its weaknesses and limitations.)
(e.g., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA)
N — Not confirmed; address is not present in the USPS data.
S — Confirmed by ignoring secondary info; the main address is present in the USPS data, but the submitted secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) was not recognized.
(e.g., 62 Ea Darden Dr Apt 298 Anniston, AL)
D — Confirmed but missing secondary info; the main address is present in the USPS data, but it is missing secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.).
(e.g., 122 Mast Rd Lee, NH)
[blank or null] — The address is not present in the USPS database.
dpv_footnotes varchar(32) Information related to the delivery point validation of this address. All these footnotes have a length of 2 characters, and there may be up to 14 footnotes.

AA — Street name, city, state, and ZIP are all valid.
(e.g., 2335 S State St Ste 300 Provo UT)
A1 — Address not present in USPS data.
(e.g., 3214 N University Ave New York NY)
BB — Entire address is valid.
(e.g., 2335 S State St Ste 300 Provo UT)
CC — The submitted secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) was not recognized. Secondary number is NOT REQUIRED for delivery.
(e.g., 3331 Erie Ave Apt 2 Cincinnati OH 45208)
C1 — The submitted secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) was not recognized. Secondary number IS REQUIRED for delivery.
(e.g., 2335 S State St Ste 500 Provo UT)
F1 — Military or diplomatic address
(e.g., Unit 2050 Box 4190 APO AP 96278)
G1 — General delivery address
(e.g., General Delivery Provo UT 84601)
M1 — Primary number (e.g., house number) is missing.
(e.g., N University Ave Provo UT)
M3 — Primary number (e.g., house number) is invalid.
(e.g., 16 N University Ave Provo UT)
N1 — Address is missing secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) which IS REQUIRED for delivery..
(e.g., 2335 S State St Provo UT)
PB — PO Box street style address.
(e.g., 555 S B B King Blvd Unit 1 Memphis TN 38103)
P1 — PO, RR, or HC box number is missing.
(e.g., Dept 126 Denver CO 802910126)
P3 — PO, RR, or HC box number is invalid.
(e.g., PO BOX 60780 FAIRBANKS AK 99706)
RR — Confirmed address with private mailbox (PMB) info.
(e.g., 3214 N University Ave #409 Provo UT)
R1 — Confirmed address without private mailbox (PMB) info.
(e.g., 3214 N University Ave Provo UT)
R7 — Confirmed as a valid address that doesn't currently receive US Postal Service street delivery.
(e.g., 6D Cruz Bay St John VI 00830)
TA — Primary number was matched by dropping trailing alpha.
U1 — Address has a "unique" ZIP Code.
(e.g., 100 North Happy Street 12345)

Here are some common combinations:
  • AABB - ZIP, state, city, street name, and primary number match.
  • AABBCC - ZIP, state, city, street name, and primary number match, but secondary does not. A secondary is not required for delivery.
  • AAC1 - ZIP, state, city, street name, and primary number match, but secondary does not. A secondary is required for delivery.
  • AAM1 - ZIP, state, city, and street name match, but the primary number is missing.
  • AAM3 - ZIP, state, city, and street name match, but the primary number is invalid.
  • AAN1 - ZIP, state, city, street name, and primary number match, but there is secondary information such as apartment or suite that would be helpful.
  • AABBR1 - ZIP, state, city, street name, and primary number match. Address confirmed without private mailbox (PMB) info.
dpv_cmra varchar(1) Indicates whether the address is associated with a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA), also known as a private mailbox (PMB) operator. A CMRA is a business through which USPS mail may be sent or received, for example the UPS Store and Mailboxes Etc.

Y — Address is associated with a valid CMRA.
N — Address is not associated with a valid CMRA.
[blank] — Address was not submitted for CMRA verification.
dpv_vacant varchar(1) Indicates that a delivery point was active in the past but is currently vacant (in most cases, unoccupied over 90 days) and is not receiving deliveries. This status is often obtained when mail receptacles aren't being emptied and are filling up, so mail is held at the post office for a certain number of days before the delivery point is marked vacant.

Y — Address is vacant.
N — Address is not vacant.
[blank] — Address was not submitted for vacancy verification.
dpv_no_stat varchar(1) Indicates that a delivery point is listed as "no-stat" by the USPS. Technically, that means the USPS is temporarily declaring the address undeliverable. In practice, however, the USPS is often several months behind in removing addresses from the "no-stat" list, so only rely on this data point if you are fully aware of its weaknesses and limitations.

Y — USPS lists the address as "no-stat."
N — USPS does not list the address as "no-stat."
[blank] — Address was not submitted for "no-stat" verification.
active varchar(1) The API still returns this field, but in practical terms, it is deprecated. This field will contain a value of Y for every address submitted.
footnotes varchar(24) Indicates which changes were made to the input address. Footnotes are delimited by a # character. See the footnotes table below for details.
lacslink_code varchar(2) The reason for the LACSLink indication that was given (below)

A — Match: Address provided. LACSLink record match was found, and a converted address was provided.
00 — No Match. No converted address. No soup for you!
09 — Match: No new address. LACSLink matched an input address to an old address which is a "high-rise default" address; no new address was provided.
14 — Match: No conversion. Found a LACSLink record, but couldn't convert the data to a deliverable address.
92 — Match: Dropped secondary number. LACSLink record was matched after dropping the secondary number from input.
[blank] — No LACSLink lookup attempted.
lacslink_indicator varchar(1) Indicates whether there is an address match in the LACSLink database.

Y — LACS record match; a new address could be furnished because the input record matched a record in the master file.
S — LACS record - secondary number dropped; the record is a ZIP+4 street level or high-rise match. The input record matched a master file record, but the input address had a secondary number and the master file record did not.
N — No match; a new address could not be furnished; the input record could not be matched to a record in the master file.
F — False positive; a false positive record was detected.
[blank] — No LACSLink lookup attempted.
suitelink_match varchar(5) Indicates a match (or not) to the USPS SuiteLink data. SuiteLink attempts to provide secondary information such as "suite" or "apartment" whenever there is a match based on address and company name.

true — There was a SuiteLink match and the result is provided.
(e.g.,Columbia, 3700 Cabela's Blvd Lehi UT 84043)
false — There was no SuiteLink match.
enhanced_match varchar(64) When an address is submitted with the match parameter set to "enhanced," this field will contain additional information about the result. Multiple values may be present, separated by commas. Additional values will be added from time to time. The current possible values are:

none — No address match was found.
non-postal-match — A match was found within additional, non-postal address data.
postal-match — A match was found within postal address data.
missing-secondary — The address should have a secondary (e.g., apartment), but none was found in the input.
unknown-secondary — The provided secondary information did not match a known secondary within the address data.
ignored-input — The provided input contained information that was not used for a match.


This table describes possible values in the footnotes field from the analysis object.

(Example addresses may be changed at any time due to the nature of the data.)

Value Definition Details
A# Corrected ZIP Code The address was found to have a different 5-digit ZIP Code than the one submitted. The correct ZIP Code is shown in the zipcode field.
(e.g., 4800 Fairmount Ave Kansas City MO 64111)
B# Corrected city/state spelling The spelling of the city name and/or state abbreviation in the submitted address was found to be different than the standard spelling. The standard spellings are shown in the city_name and state_abbreviation fields.
(e.g., 34 Main St Roeblong NJ 08554)
C# Invalid city/state/ZIP The ZIP Code in the submitted address could not be found because neither a valid city and state, nor valid 5-digit ZIP Code was present. Smarty recommends that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address.
(e.g., 200 Camp Drive 25816)
D# No ZIP+4 assigned This address is not present in the USPS data. Smarty recommends that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address.
(e.g., 39 Main Street Roeblong NJ 08554)
E# Same ZIP for multiple Multiple records were returned, with the same 5-digit ZIP Code.
F# Address not found The address, exactly as submitted, could not be found in the city, state, or ZIP Code provided. Either the primary number is missing, the street is missing, or the street is too badly misspelled to understand.
(e.g., 2600 Rafe Lane Jackson MS 39201)
G# Used addressee data Information in the addressee input field was determined to be part of the address. It was moved out of the addressee field and incorporated into the street field.
(e.g., 97 Taylor St apt 3F Taylor Manchester NH)
H# Missing secondary number The address as submitted is missing a secondary number (apartment, suite, etc.). Smarty recommends that the customer check the accuracy of the submitted address and add the missing secondary number to ensure the correct Delivery Point Barcode (DPBC).
(e.g., 109 Wimbledon Sq Chesapeake VA 23320)
I# Insufficient/ incorrect address data More than one ZIP+4 Code was found to satisfy the address as submitted. The submitted address did not contain sufficiently complete or correct data to determine a single ZIP+4 Code. Smarty recommends that the customer check the accuracy and completeness of the submitted address. For example, a street may have a similar address at both the north and south ends of the street.
J# Dual address The input contained two addresses. For example: 123 MAIN ST PO BOX 99.
(e.g., PO Box 38606 30th Street Train Station Philadelphia PA 19104)
K# Cardinal rule match Although the address as submitted is not valid, we were able to find a match by changing the cardinal direction (North, South, East, West). The cardinal direction we used to find a match is found in the components.
(e.g., 315 W Cesar Chavez St Austin TX)
L# Changed address component An address component (i.e., directional or suffix only) was added, changed, or deleted in order to achieve a match.
(e.g., 213 S QUANAH RUSSELLVILLE AR 72801)
Flagged address for LACSLink The input address matched a record that was LACS-indicated, that was submitted to LACSLink for processing. This does not mean that the address was converted; it only means that the address was submitted to LACSLink because the input address had the LACS indicator set.
M# Corrected street spelling The spelling of the street name was changed in order to achieve a match.
N# Fixed abbreviations The delivery address was standardized. For example, if STREET was in the delivery address, Smarty will return ST as its standard spelling.
O# Multiple ZIP+4; lowest used More than one ZIP+4 Code was found to satisfy the address as submitted. The lowest ZIP+4 add-on may be used to break the tie between the records.
(e.g., 313 E 3 St Nescopeck PA 18635)
P# Better address exists The delivery address is matchable, but it is known by another (preferred) name. For example, in New York, NY, AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS is also known as 6TH AVE. An inquiry using a delivery address of 39 6th Avenue would be flagged with Footnote P#. If the given address is acceptable, then it will not be changed to the preferred version (e.g., 7202 Panam Expy S San Antonio TX 78224). If the given address is unacceptable, then it will be changed to the preferred version (e.g., 131 Stone Farm Lebanon NH 03766)
Q# Unique ZIP match The address has a "unique" ZIP Code
(e.g., 645 Swick Hill Street Charlotte NC 28263)
R# No match; EWS: Match soon The delivery address is not yet matchable, but the US Postal Service Early Warning System file indicates that a match will be available soon.
S# Unrecognized secondary address The secondary information (apartment, suite, etc.) was not recognized as part of the USPS data.
(e.g., 1409 Hueytown Rd Apt 1781 Bessemer AL 35023)
T# Multiple response due to magnet street syndrome The search resulted in a single response; however, the record matched was flagged as having magnet street syndrome, and the input street name components (pre-directional, primary street name, post-directional, and suffix) did not exactly match those of the record. A "magnet street" is one having a primary street name that is also a suffix or directional word, having either a post-directional or a suffix (i.e., 2220 PARK MEMPHIS TN logically matches to a ZIP+4 record 2200-2258 PARK AVE MEMPHIS TN 38114-6610), but the input address lacks the suffix "AVE" which is present on the ZIP+4 record. The primary street name "PARK" is a suffix word. The record has either a suffix or a post-directional present. Therefore, in accordance with CASS requirements, a ZIP+4 Code must not be returned. The multiple response return code is given since a "no match" would prevent the best candidate.
(e.g., 84 Green St Northampton MA)
U# Unofficial city name The city name in the submitted address is an alternate city name that is not accepted by the US Postal Service. The preferred city name is output in the city_name field.
(e.g., 150 Ken Visage Ln LaFayette GA)
V# Unverifiable city/state The city and state in the submitted address could not be verified as corresponding to the given 5-digit ZIP Code. This comment does not necessarily denote an error; however, Smarty recommends that the customer check the accuracy of the city and state in the submitted address.
(e.g., 7210 17 Avenue New York NY 11204
W# Invalid delivery address The USPS does not provide street delivery service for this ZIP Code. The USPS requires the use of a PO Box, General Delivery, or Postmaster for delivery within this ZIP Code.
X# Default Unique ZIP Code The address has a "unique" ZIP Code with a default ZIP+4 code
Y# Military match The address has a military or diplomatic ZIP Code.
(e.g., PSC 10 Box 1324 APO AE 09142)
Z# Matched with ZIPMOVE The ZIPMOVE product shows which ZIP+4 records have moved from one ZIP Code to another. If an input address matches a ZIP+4 record which the ZIPMOVE product indicates has moved, the search is performed again in the new ZIP Code.
(e.g., 26131 State Highway 37 Seligman MO 65745)

Geographic coordinate data licenses

ID Name Description
0 Smarty Results with this coordinate license are provided with an open/unrestricted license. Attribution is optional.
1 Smarty proprietary Smarty hereby grants a limited, worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable (except as authorized herein), revocable license to use this geocoding coordinate consisting of latitude and longitude values and associated metadata for internal business use purposes only and for the duration of the term stated for the online subscription.

XML usage

While we prefer JSON for its flexibility and ease of use, our API will still accept and return XML data. To send XML in a POST request, set the Content-Type request header to application/xml; charset=utf-8. To receive XML in the response, set the Accept request header to application/xml; charset=utf-8. Here's a simple example:

curl -v -X POST 'https://us-street.api.smarty.com/street-address?
	-H 'Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8'
	-H 'Accept: application/xml; charset=utf-8'
	--data-binary '
			<addressee>Apple Inc</addressee>
			<street>1 infinite loop</street>
			<street2>po box 42</street2>
			<street>1600 Pennsylvania ave</street>
			<street>123 main st. 12345</street>

JSONP usage

JSONP has been deprecated and is no longer supported.

SSL/TLS information

Use modern security software and cipher suites.