
SmartyStreets announces rebrand to Smarty - Early 2022

The new Smarty branding is a reflection of a rapidly growing spectrum of forthcoming products related to location data intelligence.
Trent Howell
Trent Howell
December 14, 2021

PROVO, UT - SmartyStreets, a leader in location data intelligence, announces today a comprehensive rebrand to Smarty. The new branding is a reflection of the rapidly growing spectrum of forthcoming products related to location data intelligence.

SmartyStreets is Becoming Smarty

Founded in 2011, SmartyStreets began with a simple mission to offer smart street address validation software for the United States. Focusing on street data made the name ‘SmartyStreets’ a logical fit. Subsequent product releases in the fields of geocoding, reverse geocoding, and address autocomplete began to move SmartyStreets from just street data into the broader category of location data intelligence.

“Many of our products already blurred the line between street and location data” said Jonathan Oliver, Founder and CTO of SmartyStreets adding “Those extra 7 characters have felt restrictive for a while now and where we’re going, we don’t need streets.”

SmartyStreets remains committed to the ongoing improvement and support of original product lines. Under the new moniker, Smarty will also be releasing several location data intelligence products that are slated to launch in 2022. The new Smarty products will satisfy business needs for address lists, geocoding, and both census and parcel data. These launches will further solidify Smarty as a leader in global location data intelligence services.

“If the word “Streets” was already serving as an immense gravitational weight on where we wanted to grow,” Oliver continued, “2022 will show that Smarty has been hover-converted and is ready to travel the skyways and hyperlanes of the location intelligence future.”

The rollout is expected to be completed early Q1 2022 and will include a transition from to as well as an update to the corporate logo. For more information about the rebranding, visit our page about the SmartyStreets Rebrand to Smarty. There you will find more detailed information and frequently asked questions.

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