
6 blog posts tagged "Rooftop Geocoding"

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By Andrew Townsend on March 27, 2024
In a recent webinar, Berk Charlton, Chief Product Officer at Smarty™, provided an in-depth look at our industry-leading address intelligence suite designed to provide highly accurate geocoding and address validation. Here are the main points Berk covered during the session:Comprehensive product suite: Smarty offers a wide range of products, including address validation, rooftop geocoding, global address auto-complete, and address data enrichment. These tools are designed to handle various aspects of address management and enhancement in industries from Insurance to Healthcare to Telecom and more.
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By John Hickey on January 15, 2024
In the fast-paced and competitive world of telecommunications, where high customer expectations and intense rivalry prevail, the strategic use of address data intelligence, including geocoding and address verification, is increasingly essential. For professionals in the telecom sector, understanding and utilizing these tools can significantly streamline operations, enhance customer satisfaction, and drive business growth. This article delves into how Smarty's address data solutions address common pain points in the telecom industry.
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By Andrew Townsend on November 2, 2023
Geocoding is converting a physical address into geographic coordinates with latitude and longitude. Accurate geocodes are critical for many applications—routing deliveries, analyzing insurance risk, mapping utilities, and more. In a recent webinar, Smarty's customer service specialist, Ben Rivera, outlined best practices for maximizing geocode accuracy using our APIs and tools. Here are some of the key takeaways:The problem of inaccurate geocodes Many common geocoding services provide ZIP Code or centroid-level accuracy at best.
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By Ryan Muir on October 27, 2023
In the wake of disasters like catastrophic weather events, wildfires, and other incidents, the significance of property and casualty (P&C) insurance claims agents and adjusters becomes essential. Their role is pivotal, yet often challenging, as they navigate the aftermath to assess damages, estimate repair or replacement costs, and process insurance claims. Claims agents and adjusters often face difficulties deploying to areas affected by disasters and obtaining accurate information amid chaotic circumstances.
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By Andrew Townsend on August 4, 2023
Smarty™ has been creating top-notch address data tools since it's inception in 2011. A key part of providing the best location data and address data tools in the world is keeping those products at the cutting edge of the industry. We do this by adding new features, products, and solutions that our customers can use to improve their lives as often as we can. In a recent webinar, our Chief Product Officer Berk Charlton outlined some of the newest features we've added to our US Rooftop Geocoding tool.
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By Ryan Muir on July 5, 2023
Without looking it up, do you know how much insurance losses natural catastrophes caused in 2022? What's your guess? According to a report published by Swiss Re, the world's leading provider of reinsurance, "Natural catastrophes caused an estimated USD 115 billion of insured losses in 2022—coming in well above the 10-year average of USD 81 billion. " A number that large, leaves a lot of room for improvement. One of the biggest challenges insurance providers face is accurately predicting where and when these devastating disasters will occur so that they can take appropriate measures to mitigate losses.